As we write this, we are simultaneously mimicking the voice that we’d like my robot replacement to have. You could do the same while you read, if so inclined! Hang on for a second though, has Artificial Intelligence finally arrived, or is it still part of our futures? Well, yes. And, no.
While Artificial Intelligence or simply AI is definitely (and finally) shaking things up, it’s not panic stations as far as your job and such is concerned. At least not as yet. But AI is making a difference, and you’d only have to look at some of the business examples listed later on for proof of this.
This more recent acceptance of AI has been aided and abetted by the fact that businesses and enterprises now have the opportunity to tinker with AI frameworks and APIs, thus enabling them to customise it to suit their requirements. And companies have taken the leap of faith, and how! As such, by 2020, experts predict that most roles will see between 4-7% of their functions being entrusted to AI.
AI Impact
More than 80% of companies polled in the Seventh Global Trends Study considered AI absolutely crucial to stay competitive, while half of them considered it even transformative. Furthermore, in a few short years, about 30% of companies expect AI to gain more momentum in the marketing, sales and customer service segments. Meanwhile, still other enterprises expect AI to make waves further afield, even expecting it to make forays into the fields of Strategic Planning, Human Resources, Corp Dev and Finance. Closer home, and closer than you think – AI is helping Netflix improve its recommendations to users (Yes, even bingers like you!), while Google’s very own RankBrain is most likely the brain muscle behind your most recent search result.

AI in action!
As can be expected, companies look to AI to take care of more ‘automated’ processes, leaving human minds to sort out more strategic exercises and creative functions. Now, here are some examples of AI in action:
The NHS, UK (The National Health Service) has recently trialled a chatbot as part of its efforts to ease the pressure on overworked medical professionals. This chatbot encourages users to type in their symptoms, then dips into an extensive medical database for assistance, and swiftly supplies users with the necessary responses! Why didn’t they think it up earlier? Why indeed?

Not to be far behind, Expedia has wholeheartedly embraced machine learning! Now, it uses this to provide users with custom routes, schedules and itineraries. Powered by 700 scientists who in turn magically conjure up algorithms that enable the function, this AI thing could well take off and have you going places!

CoWrks’ chatbot Ava allows its members to book meeting rooms, schedule meetings for you and is all set to use face recognition to display news, articles and other content once you stand in front of the screen. The chatbot is taking coworking to the next level by also keeping members up-to-date about upcoming events and RSVP to them.