As millennials, we have evolved significantly from our ancestors that craved stability to a generally rootless population, seeking exploration, expansion, and freedom. Voluntary migrants are unlike those who move or resettle for economic reasons, wanderlust or forced exile. It is a choice they make to explore the unknown to find their sense of self.

“Rather than migrating in search of employment, career advancement, or overall improved economic conditions, these voluntary migrants are seeking greater possibilities for actualizing, exploring foreign cultures in order to assess their own identity, and ultimately grappling with issues of home and belonging in the world generally”

Existential Migration, Madison, 2006

Existential migrants are intrigued by the different, the unconventional, the unfamiliar. They are driven to explore because it challenges them and opens them up to new perspectives of the world and their inherent selves. They perceive their usual environment as boring, predictable and stagnant. They feel that migration is an existential need – it isn’t a whim or a temporary fancy. There is a constant dichotomy – the need to belong and feel at home, but to continue searching and maintain their independence.  

coworking, migrant, millennials, coworking space, cowrks

Workspaces for Existential Migrants 

A growing millennial workforce embodies the mindset of an existential migrant. They place a huge value on freedom, idiosyncrasy, openness, authenticity and healthy measures of fun.

Thanks to cheaper air travel, the nature of our jobs, the outburst of freelancers, we don’t live confined to spaces and therefore our work doesn’t have to hold us down either.

Designing flexible workspaces for a generation that is independent and free-spirited allows them to thrive and collaborate better to be more productive. It isn’t about physical space as much as it is creating the perfect environment for the people. They are more likely to embrace diversity, display adaptability, and greater inspiration.

Coworking is more than just the quirky spaces and free coffee. Coworking spaces overcome the fundamental limitations that exist within traditional workspaces. The red-tape, the loneliness, the greed, the pursuit of a solitary goal. Instead, open spaces turn the spotlight back on sharing, embracing, warm welcomes and collaboration.

We are more about tolerance and connecting over our like-mindedness while preserving our unique identities and celebrating our differences. We are location independent, and eagerly embrace other cultures and opinions while sharing experiences and skills.

At CoWrks, you craft your job instead of allowing it to confine you.

You define new ways to do what you desire rather than let your tasks define you.

We see less of the borders and the things that divide us but congregate around our ideas.

Our workspace, therefore, becomes more of a canvas than a box – allowing room for expression without fear of stepping on toes. A space where creativity is always in the air; a daily sanctuary that holds the allure of an escape, while preserving the comfort of home.

Give your ideas the space to run wild. Come to CoWrks.  
