Turns out they were right all along! Following a routine of sorts does lend itself, nay, is almost a prerequisite to success. Little wonder then that the most successful entrepreneurs swear by them! Now, as demonstrated in the paragraphs that follow, a routine unmistakably allows to get more work done, take care of your health, spend more time with the family and do the things that really float your boat!
Kill the chaos!
All too often, we tend to go about our day without a necessary schedule. In doing so, we end up wasting a whole lot of time – it is but human nature! Entrepreneurs who have scaled the heights, know this all too well, and avoid such scenarios by painstakingly earmarking their time in a weekly or daily diary. You could do this at the start of each day, or even at the start of the week. This lets you prioritise things and minimise the chaos caused by unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, pretty much nothing catches you off-guard, and this should suit you down to the ground, since you’ve set up the schedule yourself.

Healthy body and mind
In the ‘fast paced, all action, devil may care’ world of the entrepreneur, there’s little or no scope for time to be wasted away on unscheduled downtime brought on by sickness or chronic injury. What’s more, because of their typically punishing schedules and their eagerness to get more done, health and exercise take a back seat, further compounding an already unsound situation. In cognizance of the very thing, successful entrepreneurs devote a bit of their day to safeguard their health. Having meals on time, scheduling some time for exercise and meditation each day, taking supplements all play an integral role. Besides, exercise can also clear your head, allowing for some earth-shattering ideas to come streaming through.

Perfectly balanced
Being successful as a business man or woman, is just half (or is it even less?) of the bigger picture. Sure, you may get off on your work, and there’s hardly anything as heady as having your business enterprise take off. That said, however, your personal and family life should at least be on a level footing with your work life. I’m sure most of you vehemently agree with this, but struggle to meet this ideal.
To remedy this, allocate strict working hours, and allow some time to kick back, relax and spend time with family and friends each day. Once back home, put aside all electronic equipment. Resist the urge to check emails, or reply to messages. Instead, invest this time on the people you care about the most, and this will make for a more harmonious and joyous family life. The opposite does not bear thinking about, for if your home life isn’t going quite so well, it could dominate your thoughts during your workday, effectively leaving you in no man’s land.

A daily dose of doze
This next bit is quite non-negotiable, we’re afraid, and has to do with setting aside six to seven hours of your day to, well, sleep. Sleep is a mysterious and stupendous thing, and I don’t think we fully understand the full extent of the amazing things our bodies, and lest we forget, our minds undergo when we sleep. What we do know, besides the obvious, is that when we sleep, the mind categorises memories and eliminates harmful toxins, resulting in a more focussed brain and a cheerier disposition. What’s more, if you do follow a routine, your life will be further streamlined, resulting in less chaos, and inevitably more restful sleep.