Kindly note that by proceeding, you are requesting the permanent closure of your Converge account, including the deletion of associated data. Once this process is finalized, access to the application & your workspace service & amenities via the application will be revoked, and any unused conference and printing credits will be forfeited. Historical booking data will no longer be available on your profile, and the option to make future reservations, effective from the date of your account deactivation request, will be discontinued. Furthermore, access to other features will be restricted accordingly. Your understanding of these implications is greatly appreciated.

Kindly take into consideration that choosing to proceed with the account closure process will result in permanent and irreversible action. Once the closure is executed, your access to the account will be permanently revoked, and the possibility of reinstating it at a later time will not be feasible.

COWRKS is legally compelled or entitled to retain specific types of data, particularly pertaining to your booking history. This adherence is in strict accordance with applicable legal regulations, encompassing responsibilities related to taxation, accounting, and the prevention of fraudulent activities. Your attention to these stipulations and understanding of their implications are greatly valued and anticipated. By proceeding with the account closure request, you agree to the above terms.